Free Yourself from Fatigue!

Free Yourself from Fatigue!

Free Yourself from Fatigue!


Views: 15777

Those dreary months before Spring can be the final straw when it comes to fighting fatigue, so be proactive about your wellbeing at work. Hairdressing is hard on your joints, back and neck as well as tough on your muscles and your mental health. RSI, pain and the strains of being a listening ear for your customers can be eroding. Here are our top tips on protecting yourself long term:

Check-in with your mental wellbeing

The Mental Health Foundation advises that good habits can support your sense of mental wellbeing. Turn off your phone app notifications to prevent the niggling stress of all that chirping and buzzing. Take supplements regularly; a lack of omega 3 and vitamin D are both linked to low mood. Spend at least five minutes in the open air every working day, even if that means during your run to the Post Office but don't forget to breathe deep!

Check your environment

Lighting plays a huge part in fatigue. Strong light that throws shadow makes cutting and colouring harder and drains your energy. Artificial light with blue tones don't just make you look tired, it actually makes you feel tired. Concrete and tile floors can be brutal on backs, legs and necks and while you may not have the funds to replace an entire floor, you can add an anti-fatigue mat to your work area which disperses pressure and promotes comfort.

Check your posture

Slouching, dropping a hip and raising elbows high while delivering a service will have a significant negative impact on fatigue and health. RSI, sciatica, rotator cuff injury, plantar fasciitis and many more conditions can affect your career long term. Take time to ensure your client's chair is raised or lowered to the perfect height for you and use a cutting stool to relieve stress on your joints and muscles. There's a huge range of ergonomic scissors available with offset handles to prevent hand, wrist and elbow injury and it's important to check your scissor tension regularly.

Check your kit

There has been a post-pandemic boom in freelance and mobile hair professionals which means more kit to carry. Lugging kit from job-to-job can be easy with the right bag. Go for wheeled specialist luggage that will hold and organise all your equipment and products.

Stay well!

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